German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (2024)

I interviewed 20 German Shepherd Lab mix owners’ to get their experiences of this gorgeous hybrid. Helping you to decide whether the Sheprador is your ideal new puppy. Because deciding whether a particular mixed breed is the right fit for your family can be a little overwhelming. And having some real world examples of life with the dog you’re considering can help to seal the deal, or to move your search on to a more appropriate pup.

The Sheprador is a German Shepherd Lab mix. An intelligent, active combination of herd protection dog the German Shepherd and fieldwork companion the Labrador Retriever. These are both intelligent, medium to large sized dogs with a high energy level. But their natures differ a lot when it comes to guarding behavior, and they both have potential health issues to contend with.

So what do Sheprador families have to say about this beautiful mixed breed?

  • Meet the Sheprador families.
  • Coat care, shedding and grooming.
  • Behavior and training.
  • Pros and cons of life with your German Shepherd Lab mix.
German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (1)

Watch out for bias

Before you dive into the highs and lows of the German Shepherd Lab mix, it’s good to remember to take these stories for what they are. Individual experiences. Although we can learn a lot about a breed from specific examples, surveys have an inherent bias. Participants are more likely to fill them out when they’ve had an extreme experience. So you are always going to get more responses from those who absolutely adore everything about the dog, or suffered through some challenges, than you will from those who were more neutral.

Meet the Shepradors!

Before we begin with the general trends from our reports, let’s get to know some of our Shepherd Lab mixes and their human companions.

Willow (owner Bev)

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (2)

7 year old black female Willow is a brindle Shepherd Lab mix with markings on her legs. She looks more like a Labrador than a German Shepherd.

Willow is very excitable, especially when it’s time for walkies! She’s lovable, loves cuddles and will do anything for food! Although excited, she can be reactive if on lead. She wants to play with everyone, but not everyone wants to play with her! And gets angsty if she thinks another dog is trying to take her ball.

Pepper (owner Jeannette)

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (3)

Pepper is a 7 year old black female Lab Shepherd mix. She resembles both dogs lab/shepard. She’s an active dog that bores easily.


German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (4)

Male black and brown Rocky is 3 years old. He has the body of a Lab, but the coloring of a German Shepherd. Rocky loves to exercise and explore, is easily trainable and loyal. He is good with dogs, cats, and kids. He loves fetch and can play for hours.

He’s still a giant puppy and he tends to jump on people, so his owner keeps him away from smaller kids. He can also be anxious and has separation anxiety.

Sierra (owner Carolyn)

Sierra is 72% chocolate Lab and 28% German Shepherd. She’s a chocolate mahogany color, and high strung with tons of energy. She is very prey driven. Obsessed with birds and will chase planes across the yard. Anything that moves gets her attention.

Unleashed in fields she will usually want to play but her owner does not let her near smaller dogs that look like rabbits. Leashed she will bark and lunge, so is usually never walked on roads. People she wants to meet if they are just walking. If they are on a mountain bike or heaven forbid a dirt bike she will chase and try to stop it.

Roxy (owner Naomi)

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (5)

Roxy is a 2 year old black female Shepherd Lab mix. She has ears like Dobby from Harry Potter. Not a floppy as a Lab’s, but not upright like a GSD’s. One picks up like a radar. She has a slightly bushier tail than a Lab. A longer snout like a GSD’s and almond shaped brown eyes.

Roxy is very happy, but also quite anxious. She is scared of things that make noise or are in the wrong place. She was scared of a tyre left in a field once. She’s super playful but happy to chill on the sofa. She wants to be involved in affection shown between humans.


Bentley is all black with no markings. He looks like both parent breeds. He has a Lab body with Shepherd ears and stance. He is 2 years old.

He listens to everything and will follow through with commands. Intensely watches television. Lets you know when he wants something. No idea that he’s a dog. He barks at other dogs until he meets them then plays. People he ignores unless they interact first then he loves them.

Hollie (owner Vicky)

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (6)

1 year old female Hollie is all black, with a small thumb size white dot on her chest. Hollie definitely takes after her chocolate Lab father. She does have a very slight neck ruffle and her ears sit slightly higher on her head, but they flop like her father’s and not stand upright like her mother.

Hollie is basically just a happy dog. She is extremely smart. She learns quickly and is highly food motivated. She’s been playing food rewards games since coming home at 8 weeksm and she learned to sit on a place for her kibble immediately. She is so bright and quick to learn her owner is constantly amazed.

At night time after dinner she is perfectly happy to just cuddle up on the couch and relax. She’s actually the perfect combination of high energy and adventure mixed with understanding how to be calm when the activity is over.


German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (7)

Tove is a female, black, 5 year old German Shepherd Lab mix. She is a playful, food-loving, kind-hearted, yet powerful dog who loves to be out in nature tracking and hunting.

Behavior on walks depends on the situation and who/whom she meets. First of all, it has become calmer with increasing age. The vast majority of meetings go smoothly and well. However, she seems to have a developed sense of whether there is any tension before the meeting, from those we meet, -or perhaps from me as a dog handler. In such situations, it is far more common for the meeting to devolve into dog barking and pulling on the leash. Especially if the oncoming dog starts barking first.

Milo (owner Nicola)

Milo is a male, golden colored Lab mix, who looks like a Labrador but with wonky ears. He is 19 months old.

Hyper is the main word used to describe him. Milo is very protective, barks when anyone comes to the door. He is very clever, wants affection constantly but is not food oriented. On walks with people ok but other dogs goes ballistic.

Buddy (owner Vera)

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (8)

Buddy is a 2.5 year old male, black and tan. He has the Shepherd black saddle with the whole topside being darker. Buddy is smart and goofy at times, love bug and cuddler, but also protective and loves being with us at all times and loves car rides

This dog wants to go up and sniff, but doesn’t always want to be petted.

Buster (owner Elaine)

Buster is a 5 year old black, male. He looks more like his German Shepard mother.

He is fun loving. Loves the outdoors, enjoys playing with his ball and absolutely adores anything to do with water. He still acts like a puppy when he is out. Buster is very protective especially towards the children. He enjoys playing with other dogs but does like to be top dog.

Buster likes to have a sniff of other dogs. He plays with dogs on the beach and field. Although he lets people stroke him but is wary if people walk funny and he doesn’t like it if people stand still in front of us on walks. He is guarded if he doesn’t trust a person.

Athena (owner Floyd)

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (9)

Athena is a 4 year old white female Sheprador. She’s a very calm dog but loves attention. She is very well behaved.

Finn (owner Bethany)

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (10)

Seven month old black male Finn is black with brown German shepherd leg markings. He looks like a shepherd but with Labrador ears. Finn is a fun loving, affectionate, chaotic good boy. He always wants to play and say hello to everyone. Sometimes barks at dogs, but just to get their attention to say hello.

Common German Shepherd Lab Mix Personality Traits

Most German Shepherd Lab mix owners that we heard from described their dog as loving and energetic, but the results in general were surprisingly diverse.

Here were the top characteristics owners assigned to their pets:

  • Loving
  • Energetic
  • Protective
  • Likes to be together
  • Exciteable
  • Food lover

Other personality traits that came up fairly often for Shepradors included:

  • Bouncy
  • Keen to please
  • Loves everyone
  • Loves children
  • Shy of strangers
  • Anxious

There were some traits that came up a handful of times, including:

  • Confident
  • Relaxed
  • Reactive
  • Gentle
  • Independent

Only a small handful of owners described their dogs as being calm, submissive, nervous, aggressive or nervous of children specifically.

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (11)

We asked our owners – Does your dog’s coat need any special or regular care?

Most of our Shepherd Lab mixes were brushed at least once a week, and were high shedders. However, a couple of them had quite low maintenance coats.

Have you done much training with your German Shepherd Lab mix?

Most owners feel that their dogs are very trainable and intelligent. Basic commands were started early for most of the dogs that arrived as puppies, and understandably those that adopted older dogs experienced more challenges on this front. Several dogs had advanced training skills or activities including sniffer dog training, dock diving and even sled dog work.

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (12)

Is your dog happy to be left home alone for a few hours, a few times a week?

Most of our Shepradors were happy to be left alone for a few hours, either crated or in the house with some sort of background noise. However, there were some incidences of separation anxiety that needed to be managed.

Looking at health

Most owners felt that their dogs were generally healthy. However a few things did crop up including ear infections, stomach upsets, ACL, knee, hip and shoulder problems.

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (13)

Is there anything you find hard about life with your dog?

Very few dogs present no challenges at all to their owners, but most issues owners had with their pets in this survey round were pretty standard ones that could apply to owners of any breed or mix. Early morning wake ups, whining, barking,

Issues that could be more linked to one of the parent breeds included high prey drive, being an escape artist, restlessness, rough play and even over intelligence.

What do you love most about life with your dog?

When it comes to the highs or this mixed breed, the word loving came up a wonderful amount. Warmth, attentiveness, companionship and affection were very common themes.

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (14)

Lastly…is there anything you think prospective owners should know, about life with a German Shepherd Lab mix?

Finally, here are some words of advice from our established Shepherd Lab mix owners.

Sierra’s owner Carolyn says

Love them as you would any dog. Just research the breeds and know what they are all about. But we are very happy we rescued her and that she is part of our life. Even with all her craziness.

Milo’s owner Nicola says

I’ve had Lab/Boxer, pedigree Lab , Lab/Pointer but Milo being a Lab/German shepherd is the most taxing.

Bentley’s owner says

They will fill your life with love.

Buster’s owner Elaine says

Be prepared for the high energy levels. The need for exercise and mind games to keep them active and out of mischief. Also the constant shedding of fur, I wasn’t prepared for how much they actually shed lol.

Buddy’s owner Vera says

I would say early socializeing and basic obedience training mine has the Shepard protective streak.

Athena’s owner Floyd says

Very energetic when young, require a lot of exercise. Also very loving, loyal, and protective when they need to be.

Finn’s owner Bethany says

Be prepared for crazy moments of zoomies, eating anything that isn’t nailed down, and chewing everything in sight . In return you will get a loyal best friend

Willow’s owner Bev says

Expect the unexpected!

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (15)(paid link)

Pepper’s owner Jeannette says

Make sure you keep her life busy and interesting.

Rocky’s owner says

Socialize, enrich, and build confidence! Especially if it’s a shepherd mix. Shepradors are ACTIVE. All dogs need mental, emotional, and physical stimulation. Shepradors can run for miles and not get tired. Please do breed research, it’s very important. Different dogs have different instincts.

Roxy’s owner Naomi says

They need lots of exercise and benefit from training. They love water, balls and food.

Hollie’s owner Vicky says

I think it’s important to know the traits of both primary breeds. Hollie looks like a lab but a lot of her behaviour is shepherd dominant so training her as a shepherd seems to work well. I thought as a retriever she would like retrieving but she seems to enjoy scent work and searching better. We play more search and reward food games and this works for her mental enrichment.

Tove’s owner says

That one should be aware that it is always more difficult to know which characteristics the mix will inherit from the respective parent individual and respective breeding line.

German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits (2024)


German Shepherd Lab Mix - Sheprador Breed Traits? ›

What are the characteristics of a Sheprador? As a cross between a German Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever, Shepradors are highly intelligent, active, and shed a lot.

What are the characteristics of a Sheprador dog? ›

He is an easily trainable dog, and he is wonderful with children. He is very loyal and protective, and he makes a great watchdog. Often, his size is enough to intimidate would-be burglars. German Sheprador | Wag!

Are shepradores aggressive? ›

While Shepradors are not excessively barky, they will alert when strangers approach. They're protective of their loved ones and friendly with people, children, and other dogs. Don't leave them alone for long periods, though, or else they may become bored and destructive.

What are the characteristics of a German Shepherd lab mix? ›

Summary: German Shepherd Lab Mix is a Great Family Dog
Trainability:Very intelligent and easy to train
Temperament:Loving, Loyal, Playful, Protective
Health Considerations:Obesity, Bloat, Hip/Elbow Dysplasia
Activity Level:High energy; require at least 60 minutes of activity per day
4 more rows

Are shepradors good guard dogs? ›

They are both medium to large dogs so the Sheprador will also be a medium to large dog of about 60 pounds on average. The Sheprador is a wonderful family dog that loves children and other pets and can also be a good guard dog.

What is the ideal weight for a Sheprador? ›

With a Lab-Shepherd mix, you can typically expect a dog of medium to large build (50–90 pounds) with chart-topping energy, intelligence, and shedding abilities.

What qualities does a Shepsky have? ›

In terms of temperament, Shepskies are known for being intelligent, energetic, and social dogs. They are often friendly, outgoing, and good with families, but they may exhibit independent and stubborn traits. Due to their intelligence, they require mental stimulation and regular exercise to keep them happy and healthy.

Do German Shepherds turn on their owners? ›

A German Shepherd can become violent if it does not respect its owner as the leader and feels its dominance is being challenged. An experienced owner can establish authority as a good leader and train an obedient German Shepherd. If this breed is not trained properly, it can be extremely dangerous.

How to tell if a German Shepherd is aggressive? ›

Signs of aggression in German Shepherds include growling, snapping, and displaying territorial behavior. Early socialization and training can help mitigate aggressive tendencies as they mature. While some puppies may exhibit aggression, proper guidance and consistency in training can often redirect negative behavior.

Are German Shepherd lab mixes good with kids? ›

German Shepherd Lab Mix and Families

These are patient with children and will never roughhouse or bite.

Do sheprador ears stand up? ›

Most breeders and veterinarians will tell you that floppy ears are common while your German Shepherd is teething, which usually ends between 16 and 20 weeks. By then, the cartilage in the ear has become hard and strong enough for the ear to stand permanently.

What does a lab and German Shepherd mix look like? ›

They typically have a medium to large size, a sturdy build, and a dense coat. The coat color can vary, and their ears may be floppy. Their appearance can be a mix of the distinctive features of German Shepherds and Labs, resulting in a unique and charming look.

What are the personalities of a German Shepherd mix? ›

Because of their fierce loyalty and athletic nature, they make perfect guard dogs. At the same time, they are great human companions that love children and other people.

What to feed a sheprador? ›

What exactly should the diet of a German Sheprador consist of for optimal health? When selecting what to feed your German Sheprador, choose a diet with high-quality animal-based protein sources, such as beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, duck, eggs, and fish.

What is the meanest guard dog in the world? ›

One of the planet's most imposing and most dangerous dog breeds is the Presa Canario, or simply Presa. With the right training, a Presa is a loyal pet and a great guard dog. However, they are also bred to be fighting dogs and have an aggressive temperament when it doesn't receive proper training.

What is the personality of a German Shepherd cattle dog mix? ›

Brave, alert, protective and hardworking are just a few words that can be used to describe the traits of the Cattle Shepherd. Bred from the Australian Cattle Dog and the German Shepherd, these heavy-built, medium to large dogs stand approximately 20 to 25 inches tall and can weight up to 80 pounds.

What is the lifespan of a German Shepherd lab mix? ›

Appearance, Personality, and Traits of a Lab German Shepherd Mix
WeightUp to 88 pounds
EarsAlert or drooping
TemperamentFriendly, loyal, alert, playful
Life Expectancy15 years
10 more rows

What are the traits of a Labsky dog? ›

The Labrador Husky forms strong bonds with their family, and they are kind and gentle with children. They get on very well with other dogs, but they do have a strong prey drive which makes small pets a target. Give this dog a job and they will be happy and contented.

What is the best trait of a German Shepherd? ›

There are many reasons why German Shepherds stand in the front rank of canine royalty, but experts say their defining attribute is character: loyalty, courage, confidence, the ability to learn commands for many tasks, and the willingness to put their life on the line in defense of loved ones.

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